
Sphinx is used to pull richly formatted comments out of code, merge them with hand-written documentation and render it in HTML and other formats.

To build the docs, simply run $ fab -H localhost build_docs once you have set up Fabric.

Restructured Text (RsT) vs MarkDown (md)

There’s much on the internet about this. Suffice to say RsT is preferred for Python documentation while md is preferred for web markup or for certain other languages.

md files can also be incorporated by using mdinclude directives in the indices. They are translated to RsT before rendering to the various formats. Headers are translated as a hard-coded level (H1: =, H2: -, H3: ^, H4: ~, H5: “, H6: #. This represents a small consideration for both styles. If markup is not translated to rst well enough, switch to rst.